What if solving climate change was as simple as switching your fuel supplier?


White clouds in a light blue sky.


A beach at sunset.


A wind turbine sits on top of a hill at sunset.


It’s simple. Our technology combines air, water and low-carbon energy to make carbon neutral fuel. This can be used to displace fossil fuels and ensure rapid decarbonisation.

A beautiful landscape in Autumn with trees and mountains in the background.

The world must act rapidly to achieve net zero emissions

What we do

Carbon Neutral Fuels is a technology integrator aiming to produce sustainable fuels for hard-to-decarbonise industries, including the aviation and maritime sectors.

Our ambition is to provide a sustainable replacement to fossil fuels by leveraging the groundbreaking advances made in carbon dioxide removal and fuel synthesis approaches. We will deploy novel technologies to sequester excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and use clean hydrogen to make synthetic fuels that replace fossil fuels.

How does it solve climate change?

We firmly believe that the single greatest challenge facing humanity today is climate change. This long-term increase in global temperatures results in changes to our weather systems and influences the natural environment around us. Global heating - the process which causes climate change - is mostly caused by the emission of carbon dioxide, released when we burn fossil fuels.

We can help solve climate change by integrating this technology into an entire value chain, with the ultimate product being carbon neutral fuels.

A black and white diagram outlining the process of current fuel production for oil and gas extraction. The diagram shows the process of extraction followed by refinement to final use in aviation fuel which increases atmospheric CO2 concentrations.
  • Traditional Oil and Gas recovery involves extracting fossil fuels that have been trapped underground for millions of years. They are then refined into fuels, which are burned for energy. This releases vast quantities of additional CO₂ into the atmosphere, trapping heat, causing climate heating.

A diagram showing the use of carbon, capture and utilisation in the production of low carbon aviation fuel. The diagram highlight the lack of extractive practices and decease in contributions to atmospheric CO2.
  • With e-fuels, CO₂ is captured directly from the air or ocean and used as a feedstock for fuels. This is CO₂ recycling. When someone switches from fossil fuels to e-fuels, their emissions become carbon neutral, immediately eliminating their contribution to climate change.

We are deeply passionate about creating a positive lasting impact on the environment and humanity.
— Alasdair Lumsden, Founder

Our values

As well as international stakeholders, we are committed to working with local communities. We prioritise sustainability, inclusivity and transparency. We will always pay a real living wage, prioritise environmental protection across our supply chain, and ensure that we are a workplace that is welcoming for all.

A graphic depicting shaking hands.


A graphic depicting a potted plant that has two large leaves.


A graphic depicting an open book.


The foreground shows a lake in a hilly landscape surrounded by grass. The sky is orange and cloudy. In the background, rows of darkened hills can be seen.

Invest in our future

We are keen to build strong relationships with investors, partners and suppliers that are aligned with our values. By working alongside us, you have an opportunity to support a company that prioritises brave thinking to deliver bold solutions.

A large stack of rocks sits on top of a hill overlooking a valley.

We are proud to have be working alongside