Fuel made simple.


Through the simple combination of air, water, and energy, we are able to produce useful hydrocarbons that can be used across a diverse range of industries. Read how these fuels have the potential to revolutionise how we navigate the globe.

A surfer riding a wave in the ocean.


Supplying the UK with Sustainable Aviation Fuel.

This grant funded project is developing a novel modular Power-to-Liquid E-Fuel facility capable of delivering 25,000 tonnes/annum of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), in conjunction with our project partners.


A black and white lightbulb icon.

Key Benefits

By leveraging Direct Air Capture and clean hydrogen production, the fuel produced will be truly carbon neutral, delivering significant carbon emissions savings vs conventional fossil based Jet A-1 kerosene. In addition, it will deliver long term social and economic benefits to the UK and to local communities, grow domestic supply chains, whilst furthering development of cutting edge decarbonisation technologies.

A black and white icon showing three interlocking cogs.


This project is undertaking a Front-End-Loading process, and is currently at the feasibility stage. We anticipate completing the pre-FEED and FEED (Front End Engineering Design) work by Winter 2024/25.


An airplane wing flies over the clouds at sunset.


A green field with a tree in the middle.


Birds-eye view of waves breaking on a beach.


As one of the fastest growing sources of greenhouse gas emissions, aviation has an important role to play in tackling climate change.
— Anne-Marie Trevelyan, Former Secretary of State for Transport


Through the simple combination of air, water, and energy, we are able to produce useful hydrocarbons that can be used across a diverse range of industries.

  • ASTM approved Sustainable Aviation Fuel, that can be blended with Jet A-1 in concentrations up to 50%

  • Zero-sulphur low-carbon marine diesel that is drop-in compatible with existing engines

Shipping container sat in an industrial port.
An airplane wing flies over the clouds at sunset.

Are you a technology partner / fuel consumer or supplier?


  • Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is an umbrella term for the processes and technologies which remove CO2 from the atmosphere. It can be split broadly into two types of removal: one which enhances existing natural removal processes (including planting trees and mangroves) and another which uses technology processes to capture CO2 (including Direct Air Capture). In the latter, the captured CO2 is captured for long-term sequestration or utilisation as a feedstock to make other products. CDR technologies are at different stages of development with some more deployable at scale than others.

  • Carbon dioxide is extracted from the atmosphere and then combined with clean hydrogen produced using low-carbon energy. The product is sustainable fuels for hard-to-decarbonise industries, like aviation and maritime.

  • Renewable energy from the grid will be used in the short-term with medium-term plans to integrate an onsite wind farm to provide energy directly to the facility.